run for your life
DEATH RUNNER - Jake Smith Mystery Series (book two)
Jake Smith back in action. After his firing from the San Diego Police Department as a seasoned detective, he started his life over at the bottom in the Fayetteville, Arkansas force. As a rookie patrol officer, Smith received the crappiest assignments and ended up on the local university campus in the midst of the early seventies anti-war riots, drugs, and murder. The move certainly not good for our man. He struggled on the job, made too many enemies and finding love never easy. The small-town politics turned into state-wide mayhem when the Lieutenant Governor's son found dead in an off-campus apartment. The father takes matters into his own hands, and hired a former MI6 man to fix the problem.  To complicate matters, a drug dealer and his small child found burned to death in a country farm house, and his wife on the run.
320 pages
pl;us shipping
H David Whalen, author
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copyright © 2023 H David Whalen All rights reserved